Hello all guys and the whole world worldwide international worldclass number 1 guys in the whole world, i am 52 years old and i am divorced in Switzerland, Europe and i am from the Philippines Asia...
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I am an ex abroad 9 years as cultural dancer entertainer then 15 years as ski school instructor teaching students and tourists how to ski at swiss ski school in Montana valais Switzerland Europe and i used to work at all swiss ems home for the aged as caregiver at vaud Switzerland Europe then i used to work at the swiss ems home for the aged at the kitchen at vaud Switzerland Europe and i used to work at centre bioresearch cosmetics at vaud Switzerland then i used to work at swiss playboy jewelry at Lucas design SA at vaud Switzerland Europe and i used to work at swiss fischer electronics vaud Switzerland Europe and i used to work at swiss lemo at vaud Switzerland Europe and i used to work at the 5 star hotel palace as chambermaid crew staff at raffles international at montreux vaud Switzerland Europe and i used to study of swiss french lesson schooling at vaud Switzerland then i used to study of swiss restauration at sion valais Switzerland then i passed my driver's license examination at sion valais Switzerland Europe then i returned back home here at Montalban Rizal Philippines Asia because my ex boyfriend bought me of renault Clio ladies car at vaud Switzerland then he bought us of bungalow house and lot worth 1 million pesos or 18, 000 swiss Francs here at the Philippines Asia of course and i am so thankful and grateful to meet him and love him and he loved me so much too and thanks God for his grand blessed blessings towards us of course, i am really hoping to see you soon baby my love so sweet love baby because i am alone inside my room baby..........
About You
I would like to meet women ages 18 to 90.
Hello all guys and the whole worldwide international worldclass number 1 guys in the whole world, how are you doing guys, i am 52 years old and i am divorced in Switzerland Europe and i am from the Philippines Asia.........i am an ex abroad 9 years as cultural dancer entertainer at Japan Asia and then i used to work at all swiss ems home for the aged at vaud Switzerland Europe and then i used to work at the swiss ems home for the aged kitchen then i used to work at playboy jewelry at Lucas design SA as warehouse employee at vaud Switzerland Europe and then i used to work at swiss lemo at vaud Switzerland Europe and then i used to work at fisher electronics SA societe anonyme at vaud Switzerland Europe and then i used to work at the 5 star montreux palace hotel raffles international at montreux vaud Switzerland Europe and then i studied of swiss french lesson schooling sent by all social welfares and by the swiss government in Switzerland and then i studied of swiss restauration at sion valais Switzerland Europe and then i passed my swiss driver's license examination just for first time' and i used to drive of renault Clio ladies car a gift from my ex boyfriend swiss who is a Swiss la poste office chief at lausanne Switzerland Europe and then i went back home here at the Philippines Asia because my ex boyfriend swiss bought me of our own bungalow house and lot worth 1 million pesos or 18, 000 Swiss Francs here at the Philippines Asia and then i do live here at our very own official worldwide international worldclass official Philippine homeland country's very own home sweet home and my 2 lovely beautiful prettiest daughters who lives in Switzerland Europe my eldest daughter is taken care of all swiss educatrice and Swiss educational educators and Switzerland social welfares and of swiss government in Switzerland Europe and my swiss youngest daughter is studying of first year college student in architecture at the same time she is a Swiss fashion model in Switzerland.
My Information
Female52 Years OldStatus : SingleHeight : 168 cm (5-6)Weight : 83 kg (183 lbs)Brown HairBrown EyesHas ChildrenWants ChildrenWilling To RelocateEducation : College - SomeDrinks AlcoholSmokesReligion : Roman catholic