He is a 55 year old single man
from Vancouver, Canada
who would like to meet anyone any age.


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  Hearing Roars from Distant Shores

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About Me

There is no luck except where there is discipline, our actions lead us to where we desire to go, without discipline to those actions, we end up in the strangest places. I believe there’s not a wise man without fault, and everyday is an opportunity to impact someone in a positive way. I am looking for someone to join me and being one of many reasons I smile everyday. Who you are, is you. I have no ultimate master plan, or major check-list of the perfect person for me. If you are kind, respectful, and open to adventure, that is a good start. Can you sleep in a tent one day and a five star the next, that is also a bonus. But. honestly, if we make each other smile, and have the patience to watch an attraction organically grow in to a relationship, then why not give it a chance. If we are always afraid of stepping on to a bridge, then how do we ever find out if it will support us?

About You

I would like to meet anyone any age.

My Information

Male 55 Years Old Status : Single Height : 181 cm (5-11) Weight : 130 kg (287 lbs)