She is a 33 year old single woman
from Los Angeles, United States
who would like to meet anyone any age.


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About Me

I am mature self-confident woman who knows exactly the man she needs. I like active rest, sport and my job! I might tell you that I am perfect but I think it will be not real. I like to tell truth and do not cheat or lie. As every person I have positive and negative qualities. I can be different. Sometimes I am romantic, dreamy and tender woman, who loves the color pink, a fluffy kitten and films about love. But sometimes I like to be sexy and fresh, with crazy, hot fantasies! I like to open borders! Yes, may be I am not perfect but I'm sure you will loose half of the world without me

About You

I would like to meet anyone any age.

My Information

Female 33 Years Old Status : Single Height : 170 cm (5-6) Weight : 53 kg (117 lbs)